Fortinet Spectrum Manager Licenses

Determine the nature of interference in wireless networks, classify it, and then control it. Spectrum Manager is a piece of software that locates and classifies the many wireless interference sources in order to ensure effective use of the spectrum as well as high levels of service. Spectrum Manager keeps you informed of Wi-Fi interference, which enables you to take corrective measures to alleviate issues, such as removing interference sources, adjusting for interference, or working around interference. You have the option of proactively addressing concerns about channel interference, so avoiding issues before they ever develop. The dashboard displays and reports provide you with information that can be put into action about the state of your wireless spectrum. This provides you with a thorough overview of both the most recent data and data from the past. Spectrum Manager is responsible for gathering information on interference from a distributed network of specialized sensors. Additionally, it has the ability to gather data from access points (APs), each of which may utilize one of its three radios as a sensor. The application compiles detailed data covering a wide range of wireless interference sources.