Veeam Availability Suite Universal

The Veeam® Availability Suite Universal is a highly versatile and user-friendly licensing solution designed to safeguard a wide range of workloads across various computing environments, including on-premises, hybrid, and multi-cloud setups. With its straightforward and adaptable per-workload licensing model, this suite offers comprehensive protection for all types of workloads, ensuring the continuity and availability of critical business operations. Whether your organization operates on-premises infrastructure, utilizes a hybrid cloud approach, or leverages multiple cloud platforms, the Veeam® Availability Suite Universal is equipped to meet your specific data protection needs. By providing a seamless and unified solution, this suite empowers businesses to efficiently manage and secure their workloads, regardless of their deployment model or location. One of the notable advantages of VUL is its inherent portability across various workloads. This remarkable feature simplifies the process of safeguarding and restoring backups, rendering it more convenient than ever before. By eliminating the risk of appliance lock-ins and the burden of incurring additional fees, VUL empowers users with enhanced flexibility and cost-effectiveness in their backup and restoration endeavors.